Remote Access
On demand access to UR Cobots Teach Pendant from a web browser over the internet. Ability to access the UR Cobot, ABB robots, and other robots controller over VPN network.
Part / Cycle Count
RoboMon records the cycle count as and when the robot completes the cycle. Get rid of the manual shop floor data collection process. Spend time to optimize your production process.
Unaware of the robot's unexpected halt is a huge loss. Get notified of the robot's critical events immediately and take action.
Idle time, Wait time
RoboMon analyses the robots idle time and provides you deep insight to reduce the idle time.
Joints health
Watch the trend of the temperature and current of the robot's joints. Get notified for any critical errors and Trigger Preventive Maintenance.
Program Variables
Let RoboMon read the important program variables from robot program sequence while the robot is in motion. Generate reports for the variable's data.